
Dental Veneers Treatment Abroad: What You Need To Know

Dental Veneers Treatment Abroad:
What You Need To Know

Dental veneers are a popular choice for those unhappy with their smile, due to chipped, misaligned or heavily discoloured teeth, with the aim of providing an instantly whiter, neater, and aligned set of teeth. Veneers tend to have the appearance of natural teeth and are designed to give a stain resistant, strong outer coating to the teeth, with an even colour and smooth shape.

The dental procedure is reportedly growing in popularity and as it can be quite expensive in the UK, increasingly some people are opting to getting veneers abroad where the cost can be 30-50 per cent lower, for the same quality dental work.

What are veneers?

A dental veneer is a wafer-thin layer of porcelain that is customised to fit over the surface of a tooth which is then bonded in place, to improve the look of the tooth and provide extra strength.

Veneers, which can be made from resin, or the more robust porcelain, can endure the same wear and tear as your teeth for many years to come.

What is involved in the procedure?

Typically, the procedure for fitting veneers involves two visits with the dentist. The first visit will start with an examination and consultation, as well as taking an impression of the existing teeth which will be used to make a protype for the new veneers. The teeth will be prepared for the veneers, and possibly temporary veneers will be put on. At this consultation the patient can select their preferred tooth shade, and the consultant should help guide based on hair and eye colour, complexion, and preference.  

The second visit, one to two weeks later, is when the permanent veneers are usually fitted. This tends to be done by first preparing the existing teeth, ensuring each veneer is the perfect shape and fit, making any necessary adjustments before using dental bonding cement to securely set the veneers in place.


Following the veneers procedure there is often no specific aftercare other than good oral hygiene practice, including brushing, flossing, and rinsing with an antiseptic mouthwash as normal. Even though porcelain veneers are relatively hardwearing and resist stains, dentists may recommend that patients do not use abrasive toothpastes and avoid stain-causing foods and drinks such as tea, coffee, and red wine.

Your stay abroad and dental travel insurance

Even with the cost of travel and accommodation, people often find that getting veneers abroad is more cost effective than in the UK. However, most medical travel insurance providers might not insure the individual against insurance for dental treatment abroad. At Medical Travel Shield we offer specialist medical dental travel insurance. For more information about travel insurance with dental cover, contact us on 0203 409 1236 or email

This content is based on a variety of third-party sources and is for information purposes only and Medical Travel Shield is not recommending dental treatment abroad or purchasing overseas dental insurance.


Stephanie King